Monday, May 25, 2009

On Christian Movies and Music

There is a great post from the Acton Institute on sub par Christian movies. It points out that Christian and conservative writers have not mastered the art of narrative, therefore most Christian and conservative themed films are dreadful. Read the whole post. It is well worth a few minutes.

I would put Christian music in the same boat. The lyrics can be quite inspirational, but with few exceptions the music behind the vocal melody is absolutely terrible and often times makes me envy the deaf. While I am a self avowed music snob, I can't help but think that the terrible, and often cookie cutter, music drives people away who would otherwise give contemporary Christian music a chance, especially non Christians.

If you look hard enough, you can find a few Christian bands that write half way decent music. A few this music snob enjoys are: Decyfer Down, Jonah 33, Hymns of Eden, and We As Human. Even a few secular musicians have written some music with Christian imagery. Alice Cooper put out two albums, Brutal Planet and Dragontown, that one critic compared to C.S. Lewis in Cooper's use of imagery at various points.

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